Making in Transit is an exhibition of works created by artist Jennifer Crouch in response to her voyage to the remote archipelago of Svalbard as member of the Arctic Circle Residency, Autumn expedition, 2016. Making in Transit is an exploration of mapping, navigation and our relationships to land and sea. It contemplates the absurdity of the sublime - the feeling of insignificance amidst the sheer enormity of the Arctic landscape; the terror of a beautiful, relentless landscape which, resulting from our carelessness and abundance is increasingly vulnerable.

​The collection includes carved wooden maps (inspired by Inuit cartography originating from Ammassalik in Eastern Greenland) that depict the Svalbard coastlines, as well as: drawings, paintings, textile pieces, documents, field notes and video pieces.

Making in Transit will host a series of free events which unpack many different subjects relating to making, mapping and how we respond to our environment. Our programme of events includes talks and creative workshops from artists, scientists and academics working in fields as varied as climate science, polar science, the anthropology of design, atmospheric physics, seafaring, policy making, artificial intelligence and ethics.


The Making in Transit exhibition is takes place at The Cube, London between the 8/12/2017 - 24/03/2017. A summary of the Making in Transit events schedule is included below and includes times and dates. All events are free, but booking via Eventbrite is advised in order for us to get an idea of numbers which is will help us plan our workshops better.